Friday, June 18, 2021

Steps Club Organizes "SIZZILE & STOMP" exclusively for Inter College Students.

June 5-June 7 , 2021. Department of Computer Science Organizes a 3 Day Workshop on "Graphics Design For Beginners" exclusively for Degree 1st Year and Inter and 10th Students.

June 5 , 2021. Go Green Club Organized Green Warriors(Poster Making Competition) on World Environment Day.

April 27 , 2021 . Department of Electronics Organized a Guest Lecture on "Electronics Device , Evolution & its impact on technology"

March 25 & March 27, 2021. Extension Activity by Geop Club

This Activity was about to Distribute things to Needy People Around Mallapur Area.

February 26 , 2021 Department of Science has Organized "SCIENCE UTSAV 2K21"

On This Day Various Competitions were organized by Dept. of Science and there were huge number of students who had participated and made this event a successful one.

February 16 , 2021. Department of Computer Science has Organized Workshop on RPA(Robotic Process Automation) in Collaboration with SANSAH Innovations Pvt . Ltd.

December 20 , 2020 Department of Mathematics has Organized a Guest Lecture on "Quantitative Aptitude & Reasoning"

December 1, 2020 Carlo Club at AGAPE FOUNDATION 

Carlo Club has provided 140 pair of slippers chips packets and cookies for 255 kids in AGAPE Foundation. 

December 2 , 2020 Department of Computer Science has Organized a Webinar on "Artificial Intelligence"

November 30 , 2020 Department of Computer Science has Organized a Webinar On " Cyber Security"

November 29 , 2020. Department of Electronics has Organized "Techtastic" on occasion of "World Electronics Day".

Competitions like Image Recognition & Video Making were conducted . Students had actively participated.

November 19 , 2020 . Carlo Club celebrated the "World Day of the Poor" by intiating needy things to the people and also visited Kamalamma Foundation.

October 9 , 2020 Department of Computer Science has Organized a Spark Session on "ICT Tools"

September 21 , 2020 Department of Mathematics has Organized a Spark Session on "Applied Mathematics"

September 21 , 2020 Department of Mathematics has Organized Spark Session on "Math in Nature" 

September 18 , 2020 Health Club Organized "Matters of Mind"

Steps Club has Organized "Talento"

September 4 ,2020 Steps Club has Organized "Spectacle De Talent"

August 31, 2020 Department of Computer Science has Organized a Webinar on RPA(Robotic Process Automation)

June 29 , 2020 Department of Statistics has Organized a Quiz Show "Stat Bash".

June 21 , 2020 Health Club has Organized Webinar on "Bliss Yoga" on occasion of  International Yoga Day.

Department of Statistics had conducted various Online Competitions 

On May 11 - Quiz Competition 

On May 18 - Debate Competition

On May 29 - Guest Lecture

July 29, 2020 Department of Computer Science has Organized a National Level Online Quiz on "Basics of Computer"

June 5 , 2020 Health Club has Organized a Webinar on "World Environment Day"

June 2, 2020 Department of Computer Science has Organized a Webinar on "Internet of Things"

Sci-Pi Club has Organized "Silentum 2020"

May 7 , 2020 Department of Computer Science has Organized a Webinar on "Basics on Canva"

April 30 , 2020 Department of Computer Science has Organized a Webinar on "Python"

February 12 , 2020 Department of Mathematics has Organized "EXLOG-2020"

February 7&8 2020 Department of Computer Science has Organized a 2-Day Workshop on Drones

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