Sunday, September 4, 2022

 29th August 2022.Investiture Ceremony of U.G Student Council Members & Various Club Leaders in college Auditorium.

 29th August "Department of Statistics " Organised a Spark Session in Conference Hall.

 22nd August 2022."TASK INITIATIVE" (Training program)

Week long (from 22nd august 2022 to 27th august 2022) training program for degree final years by "MAHINDRA PRIDE".

16 August 2022. Department of Science paid a devotional tribute remembering all women  freedom fighters.
On the occasion of 75th INDEPENDENCE DAY "Department Of Science" paid a devotional tribute remembering all the women freedom fighters in the assembly area at the college.

15 August 2022.celebrating 75th INDEPENDENCE DAY.

Celebrated "INDEPENDENCE DAY" in college auditorium by "LITREATE CLUB"

 Our Newly Elected U.G Student Council Members 2022-2023.

 8th July 2022. Staff Picnic to Celebrity Resort.